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图表作文要点 研究图表,弄清各种信息之间的关系,提炼图表所反映的趋势、问题和现象; 分析数字。发现数据的主要特征或变化趋势,抓住其中有代表性的数字,通过对比、分析来反映问题,概括结论。 常用思路:描述图表—分析原因—结论 概括趋势—分析数据—结论 图表类型:table (表格), line graph (折线图), bar chart (柱形图), pie chart (饼形图) 图表作文中的一些重要概念 数据与推断 表示推断的常用句型: (This survey/research/findings) indicate/suggest/show/imply that… … This is indicated/shown/implied/suggested by the fact that… 事实—结论 50% of people said that they would not work longer hours even with higher pay. This indicates that most people would rather have more leisure than money. 结论—事实 Most people would rather have more leisure than money. This is indicated by the fact that 50% of people said that they would not work longer hours even with higher pay. 图表作文中的一些重要概念 2. 描述变化的趋势 表示上升或下降的一组词: 名词: a rise, an increase, an upward trend, a growth a fall, a decrease, a reduction, a drop, a decline, a downward trend 句型: There is a rise/fall in the number of television viewers/private cars/people studying English. This period showed/saw a sharp/steady rise/fall in the number of … moving from … to … 图表作文中的一些重要概念 动词: to increase/grow/soar up/shoot up to decrease/drop/decline/fall 句型: The average/the percentage of/the number of … rose/dropped last year/ in the past five decades/ from (54% in January) to (68% in September). 图表作文中的一些重要概念 形容词: rapid, sharp, dramatic, marked, steep Slow, slight, gradual, steady 副词: rapidly, sharply, dramatically, markedly, steeply Slowly, slightly, gradually, steadily 介词短语 on the rise /decline 其它 dwindle 逐渐缩小变小减少,nose-dive 价格等暴跌, plummet 骤跌,plunge 突然下降 图表作文中的一些重要概念 3. 引用数据 占(总数的多少): The girl students make up/ occupy/ cover/ are/ constitute 48% of the total students in that college. …与…的比(例)是… The ratio of … to … is ; The ratio between … and … ; The proportion of … to … is… Eg. The ratio of professor to student is one to ten. …的比: in a ratio of They are in a ratio of one to ten. 其它: a large proportion, a significant number, the majority/ minority, half the, on in two, five out of ten Introduction From th


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