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Shanghai Innovative Solutions For Automotive ITW关于泄压阀/强制排风口 /AIR VENT 的介绍 ITW Shanghai 2015.09.11 The information that is attached and being presented is the confidential property of ITW and cannot be shared, copied or reproduced without the written consent of ITW Shanghai. Shanghai Innovative Solutions For Automotive 目录指引 1. 泄压阀/强制排风口产品的功能作用 2. 目前常见泄压阀/强制排风口存在的问题; 3. ITW产品的设计理念和优势; 4. ITW现有的泄压阀种类; 5. ITW关于对该类产品的测试对比 6. 总结。 The information that is attached and being presented is the confidential property of ITW and cannot be shared, copied or reproduced without the written consent of ITW Shanghai. Shanghai Innovative Solutions For Automotive 泄压阀产品的功能 1. 来自轿厢内的压力 2. 通过PRV泄压 3. 轿厢内压力降低 4. 轿厢内压力恢复 泄压阀 车身钣金孔 The information that is attached and being presented is the confidential property of ITW and cannot be shared, copied or reproduced without the written consent of ITW Shanghai. Shanghai Innovative Solutions For Automotive 泄压阀产品的功能  为调节车内压力,保证乘坐舒适 性,需要安装泄压阀  车内外压力差产生的主要原因  开关门  行驶过程中开关窗  空调运行产生压强差 通常每车2件,对称安装在车身的 尾部或后保靠近后轮罩处,是整个 轿厢通过后行李箱和外界空气相通的 “窗口”。  该零件所处的工作环境较为恶劣, 需要通过耐高低温、耐腐蚀、耐久性 试验。 安装位置 The information that is attached and being presented is the confidential property of ITW and cannot be shared, copied or reproduced without the written consent of ITW Shanghai. Shanghai Innovative Solutions For Automotive 泄压阀产品常见的问题及产生的影响 问题一: 泄压阀的密封圈和 车身配合处出现老 化、变形,胶贴脱 落现象,从而产生 行李箱漏水,进灰 现象。有时在淋雨 试验是就能发现, 但是大多数情况发 生在售后1-2年间。 The information that is attached and being p



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