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导向生物学的分子机理 1)动植物生殖过程比较 The human life history (Moore et al. REPRODUCTION 2006) Animal male gametes Animal female gamete 卵丘层 透明带 卵黄周空间 Sperm-egg interaction in animals Chemotaxis Egg Sperms Fertilized egg In single-celled organisms and animals, the egg cells may emit attractant molecules, which form a concentration gradient to guide the sperm cells by chemotaxis. The fertilization process in animals (Primakoff et al., Science 2002) Different forms of fertilization in animals • In invertebrates, external fertilization is a more widely recognized mode • In mammals, fertilization is internal • While external fertilization have to ensure species specific fertilization, mammalian sperms must first undergo a process called capacitation which takes place in the female reproductive tract (Dresselhaus et al. Sex. Plant Reprod. 2008) Diverse mechanisms of sperm guidance(1) • In many species, sperm are guided toward the eggs by chemotaxis (Dresselhaus et al. Sex. Plant Reprod. 2008) Diverse mechanisms of sperm guidance(2) • There are two mechanisms of sperm guidance in mammals: chemotaxis and thermotaxis • Sperm attractants are secreted both prior to ovulation in the follicle (卵泡) and after egg maturation outside the follicle • There are two chemoattractant sources: the mature egg and the surrounding cumulus cells (Dresselhaus et al. Sex. Plant Reprod. 2008) (Dresselhaus et al. Sex. Plant Reprod. 2008) Suggested sequence of sperm g


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