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欧盟理事会《关于协调各成员国金融情报机构在交换情报方面合作的决定》(2000) Council Decision of 17 October 2000 Concerning Arrangements for Cooperation between Financial Intelligence Units of the Member States in respect of Exchanging Information 背景:欧盟理事会于2000年10月17日在卢森堡通过《关于协调各成员国金融情报机构在交换情报方面合作的决定》(2000/642/JHA),并于同日生效。 1997年欧洲议会批准的打击有组织犯罪的行动计划,建议应当根据理事会《关于防止利用金融系统洗钱的指令》(91/308/EEC号),加强相关机构在接收可疑交易报告方面的合作。欧盟成员国已建立金融情报机构(FIUs),以建立可疑金融交易与潜在犯罪活动之间的联系,进而预防和打击洗钱。随着FIUs与成员国和FIUs多学科组织的调查部门之间的情报交换的提高,必须改善金融情报机构之间的情报交换机制来整合金融、法律执行和司法部门的知识。成员国各相关部门间必须进行密切合作,并制定这些部门间直接交流的规定,以确保在合理的时间内传递情报和资料。目前这方面的协调安排主要根据FIUs的非正式世界网络――“埃格蒙特集团”[1]提出的谅解备忘录设立的原则来进行。 下为该决定的全文。 Article 1 1. Member States shall ensure that FIUs, set up or designated to receive disclosures of financial information for the purpose of combating money laundering shall cooperate to assemble, analyse and investigate relevant information within the FIU on any fact which might be an indication of money laundering in accordance with their national powers. 2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, Member States shall ensure that FIUs exchange, spontaneously[2] or on request and either in accordance with this Decision or in accordance with existing or future memoranda of understanding[3], any available information that may be relevant to the processing or analysis of information or to investigation by the FIU regarding financial transactions related to money laundering and the natural or legal persons involved.[4] 3. Where a Member State has designated a police authority as its FIU, it may supply information held by that FIU to be exchanged pursuant to[5] this Decision to an authority of the receiving Member State designated for that purpose and being competent in the areas mentioned in paragraph 1.[6] Article 2 1. Member States shall ensure that, for the purposes of this Decision, FIUs shall be a single unit for each Member State and shall correspond to the following definition:A central, national unit which, in order to combat money lau


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