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浅谈拟南芥作为一种神经元微管骨架的模式生物的研究进展 摘要:在神经细胞和植物细胞中微管细胞骨架都是一种重要的组成部分。然而在这两种细胞 中微管的功能却有很大差异,例如植物细胞通过微管骨架协调纤维物质的有序沉积,但是也 有一些显著的相似之处。拟南芥拥有可利用的各种各样基因敲除突变植株,在某些方面可以 作为研究神经细胞微观骨架的良好的模式生物。一些涉及到神经微管骨架的递质信号及神经 营养的支持等细胞内过程可能与植物细胞中较为类似。一些微管结合蛋白(MAPs),包括 katanin,CLASP, spastin,gephyrin,CRIPT等都是非常保守的。正如一项对神经生物学非常 有用的模式植物系统的证明一样,对于植物微管结合蛋白的分析表明夏-马-图三氏病和脊髓 性肌萎缩可能是由于微管的机能障碍,这也暗示着植物微管骨架与运动神经元有着部分的相 似性,因为它们的功能都很大程度上依赖于马达蛋白。 关键词:拟南芥,微管,运动神经元,神经科学 Abstract Abstract AAbbssttrraacctt:The microtubulecytoskeleton isanimportant component ofboth neuronal cells and plant cells. Whilethere are large differences in the function of microtubules between the two groups of organisms, for example plants coordinate the ordered deposition of cellulose through the microtubule cytoskeleton, there are also some notable similarities. It is suggested that Arabidopsis thaliana, with its superior availability of knockout lines, may be a suitable model organism for some aspects of the neuronal microtubule cytoskeleton. Some cellular processes that involve the neuronal microtubule cytoskeleton including neurotransmitter signalling and neurotrophic support may have homologous processes in plant cells. A number of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) are conserved, including katanin, CLASP, spastin, gephyrin, CRIPT. As a demonstration of the usefulness of a plant model system for neuronal biology, an analysis of plant tubulin-binding proteins was used to show that Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease type 2D and spinal muscular atrophy may bedue to microtubule dysfunction and suggest that indeed the plant microtubule cytoskeleton may be particularly similar to that of motor neurons as both are heavily reliant upon motor proteins. 1 Key words Key words KKeeyywwoorrddss:Arabidopsis thaliana, microtubule, motor neuron, neuroscience 不论在植物或动物细胞中,微管是由α-微管蛋白和β-微管蛋白亚基结合一分子GTP 组 成的微管蛋白二聚体。α-微管蛋白结合的GTP 从不发生水解或交换,而β-微管蛋白可可水 解结合的GTP 为GDP。微管蛋白结合GDP后使微管很容易发生解聚,在快速


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