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概述 INTRODUCTION 本手册为F系列纸卷夹的用户操作指南,旨在简单明了地阐述纸卷夹使用、 操作过程中有关注意事项,操作前请仔细阅读本手册,不明之处请向你的上级 长臂 液压油缸 请教。 Clamping Long Arm Hydraulic Cylinders 固定框架式纸卷夹-卡斯卡特D、F和G系列多功能纸卷夹用于搬运各类纸 制品,夹臂设计适于运输、堆垛、抽取以及拖车和厢式运输车上装卸货作业中 对水平或垂直放置纸卷的搬运操作。纸卷夹可360 °旋转,根据作业情况,固定 基板 短臂式纸卷夹特别适用于夹持直径接近最大值的纸卷,可调短臂式纸卷夹可夹 Baseplate 持小直径纸卷,此外还提供带分离式长臂的纸卷夹用于夹持两个叠放纸卷。 安全第一!——大多数的事故都起因于操作或判断失误,请格外留心维护 保养状况差和工况恶劣的属具并及时加以解决。 About this Guide -The information in this Guide is intended to simplify operator understanding 夹板 about effective and safe Clamp use and operation. Read this guide thoroughly before operating Contact Pads the attach ment.Be sure you know and understand all operating procedures and safety precautions. If you have any questions, or dont understand a procedure, ask your supervisor. Fixed Frame Paper Roll Clamp- Cascade Fixed Frame Paper Roll Clamps,Models D,FG-Series,are mu lt i ple-f unct ion a tt ac hments fo r ha nd li ng a ll t y pes of pa pe r products.Clamps are designed for both bilge and vertical roll handling for t ransport, stacking , breakout ,Van trailer and boxcar loading and unloading.The Clamp rotates t hrough 360 degrees and can have a fixed short arm for full 安装挂钩 rolls or adj ustable short arm for butt rolls, and a single or split long arm.


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