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良好的品德 目錄 1.何謂品德 2.個人品德的重要性 3.良好的品德對個人生活的影響 4.良好的品德對社會國家的影響 5.品德的核心價值 6.如何培養良好的品德(方法) 良好的的品德從日常生活做起 前言 對於品德是負責任的態度,可以分成三個層次來定義:規範、倫理與美德。以第一層面規範而言,國有國法、校有校規,我們一出生就開始遵守著不同的規範。以大學來說,上課要準時、進教室請脫鞋與校園內禁止吸煙等等,這些都屬於規範,勞工系副教授劉世南說:「中正大學學生在規範這方面算是守規矩的,有可能是學生本身素質不錯,或者是中正民風純樸所影響的。」第一層的規範屬於消極性的品德,意味著學生是被動的接受行為上的限制,因此學生遵守規範後,應該往第二層的倫理邁進。「整潔衛生是中正學生應該要加強的,因為我常在通識教室地上發現很多垃圾。」企管系副教授曾光華說道。大學自由度高,大部份老師不會限制學生上課吃東西,但是學生應該將自己的垃圾帶走。倫理所談論的就是行為中的好與壞,沒有嚴格規定未帶走垃圾的學生都要受到處份,但是將垃圾留在教室卻會對其它使用者帶來困擾。品德從自身的約束擴及到對他人團體的影響,因此品德的高低會連帶改變別人對自己的看法。 Preface Is responsible for the moral attitude, can be divided into three levels to define: norms, morals and virtues. Specification in the first level, the state law of the land, the school has rules and regulations, we began to observe the birth of different specifications. The university, the school on time, classroom, please take off your shoes and no smoking on campus, etc. These are all standard, an associate professor of labor Liu Shinan, said: "Chung Cheng University student be behaved specification in this regard, there may be good quality of the students themselves, or is affected by CKS nice people. "the first layer of the moral norms are passive, meaning that students are passive acceptance of behavioral restrictions, so the students observe norms, it should be ethical to the second layer forward. "Clean and tidy is the Chiang Kai-shek students should be strengthened, because I often found on the floor in the general education classroom, a lot of junk." Associate Professor of Business Administration has Guanghua said. University of high degree of freedom, the majority of the teacher does not limit the class, the students eat, but students should take away their garbage. Ethical behavior are talking about is good or bad, there is no strict rules not to be taken by the Department of garbage were students, but will refuse to stay in the classroom but will annoy other users. Moral character from their own constraints extend to groups of oth


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