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英语新闻 中英对照

英语新闻 中英对照 塞拉利昂卫生保健专家敦促改善对接生人员的培训。 Chinedu Offor |弗里敦、塞拉利昂 Rosamond George是在弗里敦的教会当阵痛开始,一直持续到晚上。第二天,她的丈夫开车送她到附近的一家医院,在那里,她决定婴儿在子宫内交叉躺着,她需要紧急产科护理。后来她的医生告诉她,如果不立即动手术,她和婴儿就死了。 弗里敦居民Rosamond George有一个不安的劳动,但最终成功交付 但罗莎蒙德有许多孕妇在国内不–运输和技术熟练的接生员训练急救。 塞拉利昂是世界上孕产妇死亡率和儿童死亡率最高的国家之一。联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)和世界卫生组织(卫生组织)的一项联合调查发现,怀孕和出生期间的护理质量是一个促成因素。 拯救儿童 在凯拉洪的家中,双胞胎骚和中心,塞拉利昂。他们的几个兄弟姐妹都胎死腹中或夭折 现成的,但不接受突发事件 传统接生员(TBAS)众多,有世代的母性关怀的一部分。但他们往往不知道如何处理难产,包括出血,结果。 国际特赦组织最近的一份报告,说接生员可能被社会上的杰出女性,包括一个一夫多妻家庭村长的老婆或老婆。 电视名人Woteh Camera,谁是由TBA交付,说他们是相关的因为大多数人生活在农村地区,没有钱支付治疗或达到临床能力。 虽然政府最近宣布怀孕和哺乳期妇女免费医疗,诊所可能仍然遥远,和接生员是廉价的;他们可以交换或提供延期付款。 “虽然他们没有受过良好的训练,但我认为他们做得很好,正如大多数人会说的那样,[鉴于这个事实]我们在农村地区没有合格的人,尤其是偏远的乡村,那里的道路很糟糕,[诊所或医院]很远。” 联合国儿童基金会/ O阿斯兰 护士见习措施孕妇的血压在美国的同胞在Mattru Jong镇基督医院产前咨询时,邦特区, sierra leone. while traditional birth or mohammed masere agrees, saying, at the primary healthcare level, tbas have a role to play because they are closer to the people in the community. they do deliveries, and deal with patients who] are not able to reach the health facilities on time. to update their skills, the ministry of health established a three week training program to teach traditional birth attendants a prenatal care and basic management of clean and safe deliveries. they also learn how to recognize complications during pregnancy that indicate a woman should be transferred to the nearest medical facility. renewed push for skilled birth attendants but critics say the training period is too short for tbas to learn current skills for handling difficult pregnancies. amnesty international says that even with training traditional birth attendants do not meet international standards set by the world health organization. peter sikana is a reproductive health and emergency obstetric care, technical advisor for the un population fund in freetown. he says hes seen untrained attendants misus drugs such as oxytocin and ergometrine in an effort to expedite the labor. this practice can lead to the death of the fetus and may increas


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