装修材料质量对工程报价的影响(The influence of decoration material quality on engineering quotation).doc

装修材料质量对工程报价的影响(The influence of decoration material quality on engineering quotation).doc

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装修材料质量对工程报价的影响(The influence of decoration material quality on engineering quotation)

装修材料质量对工程报价的影响(The influence of decoration material quality on engineering quotation) The influence of decoration material quality on engineering quotation Release time: 2011-03-14 14:01:54 In the decoration engineering bidding, because of various kinds of materials, technology, quality uneven, sometimes in the bidding documents of the material specifications, materials and construction technology requirements are not clear enough or the diameter is not uniform, will lead to the construction decoration enterprise some bad reputation, specifications, models, performance, production of materials in the bidding documents the tricks, a low price to win the bid. In the contract, in order to save money, avoid losses, while using small material and low-grade material, even shoddy, shoddy, seriously affected the quality and effect of decoration engineering. Listed below are some commonly used decorative materials, combined with the market price of the second half of 07 years, talk about the impact of decorative materials on the price of decoration projects. First, decorative stone category - granite, granite is generally crystalline, coarse-grained and other granular structure. According to surface processing, it is divided into fine panels, mirror panels and rough panels. Granite has many factors affecting prices, mainly in the following aspects. 1. production areas affect prices. The same name, different origin, the price is not the same. 600 x 600 x 20 specifications in China white linen, the main origin in Shandong cuisine and Fujian Quanzhou. Laizhou sesame white smooth, white, black with clear distribution symmetry, high intensity, price from 70 yuan / square meters to 350 yuan / square meters range, while Fujian Quanzhou sesame white stone with a pale grey, black and dense fuzzy, low strength, priced at 70 yuan / square meters. The granite of the same name is different because of the different patterns and materials of the stone in different areas. 2. types of produc


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