论企业集团资金结算中心的规范运作管理(Discussion on standard operation management of fund settlement center of enterprise group).doc

论企业集团资金结算中心的规范运作管理(Discussion on standard operation management of fund settlement center of enterprise group).doc

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论企业集团资金结算中心的规范运作管理(Discussion on standard operation management of fund settlement center of enterprise group)

论企业集团资金结算中心的规范运作管理(Discussion on standard operation management of fund settlement center of enterprise group) Discussion on standard operation management of fund settlement center of enterprise group In this paper, the positive role of the fund settlement center in the management of the enterprise group is discussed The description of the weaving structure and operation process, and points out the problems existing in the operation of the capital settlement center of enterprise groups in our country, And put forward countermeasures to these problems. Key words: enterprise group; fund settlement center; practical significance; operation process; problems; Countermeasures I. the practical significance of the fund settlement center of enterprise groups In order to strengthen centralized control and unified management of the funds within the group, the integration of the financial resources of the industry group should be brought into full play At present, most enterprise groups ensure the safety of funds and improve the economic efficiency and operational efficiency of the whole enterprise group Centralized management of funds, the use of funds settlement center model. This model controls the capital in the enterprise group And unified management has played an active role. (1) to improve the robustness and safety of capital operation and to guard against financial risks (two) the standardization of capital operation has been improved, and the operation risk has been effectively prevented (three) revitalize the precipitation funds, improve the efficiency of the use of funds (four) strengthening the modern management of enterprise groups Two. Organization and operation of capital settlement center of enterprise group The fund settlement center can be defined from two aspects, broad sense and narrow sense. Narrow sense fund settlement center Refers to the establishment of an enterprise group within the group according to the needs of financial management and capital contr



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