论 挂 牌 出 让 文 件 的 性 质---(On the nature of the documents to be listed --).doc

论 挂 牌 出 让 文 件 的 性 质---(On the nature of the documents to be listed --).doc

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论 挂 牌 出 让 文 件 的 性 质---(On the nature of the documents to be listed --)

论 挂 牌 出 让 文 件 的 性 质---(On the nature of the documents to be listed --) On the nature of listing documents Comment on eleventh orders of the Ministry of land and resources, nineteenth A listing is a form of bidding, and its legal nature should be the same as that of the tender. But the Ministry of land and resources eleventh orders nineteenth provisions, but also makes the listing and bidding are very different, and directly affect the listing of the legal nature of the identified. This article first draws the central question of this article from the case, namely the legal nature of the listing document is the invitation or the offer? Secondly, from the perspective of theory and Practice on the difference between offer and invitation to offer and how to distinguish the paper; again, combining the case and theory analysis demonstrates the nature of listing documents, finally draws the binding force of the listing documents is an invitation to the binding force, rather than in binding offer, quotation documents is not an offer invite the conclusion. [keyword] listing offer, offer invitation, binding force First, the question raised Listing transferring state-owned land use rights is a way of transferring state-owned land use rights, the so-called listing transferring state-owned land use rights, is that people issued listing notice according to the notice period will be sold under the terms of the transaction were to public listing cloth at a specified land transaction place, the acceptance of bids and proposals for updating the listing according to the listing price, the expiration of the bid results to determine the land users. [1] listing documents pointed out that the parties listed in accordance with the announcement of the written details of the trading conditions, is the listing of the announcement of the specific. What is the legal nature of the listing document? Is it an offer or an invitation? In this regard, the academic community rarely discussed, and also



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