身体衰老注意事项(Physical aging notice).doc

身体衰老注意事项(Physical aging notice).doc

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身体衰老注意事项(Physical aging notice)

身体衰老注意事项(Physical aging notice) Have you ever thought that the guy who was coiled up to 5-6 meters would be the beginning of your old age?. Thats true, because the gut is an important digestive and absorptive system in our body, where nutrients are absorbed, toxins, and waste are removed from here. Medical experts point out that 90% of the bodys diseases and intestinal unclean, 1 days without defecation is equal to smoking 3 packs of cigarettes. Intestinal aging brings the most immediate problem is constipation, accumulating approximately 6.5 kg of stool bowel in maximum, a stool blocking in the intestines, the toxins, garbage can not be discharged even by intestinal as nutrition re absorption, thus leading to the complexion, spot pox ridden, bad breath smoked, not only that, because the accumulation of abdominal too much waste, small waist fine upgrade directly into a small belly. Expert advice: 1, eat high fiber diet 2-3 times a week. Rice bran and wheat bran in the highest dietary fiber content, they can promote bowel peristalsis, shorten the food in the colon stay time, prevention and treatment of constipation; on the other hand they can like a sponge, adsorption of gut toxic substances, and promptly excreted, reducing the intestinal absorption of toxic waste material. 2, intestinal SPA. Also known as large intestine hydrotherapy, is often constipation, improve the intestinal tract clean degree of effective method. But this method should go to a professional hospital for treatment and follow the doctors advice. TOP2 chest At the age of 25, it began to show signs of aging...... A woman in his mind to the chest, the words like men of the mind, perfect the strong chest is a woman sexy symbol, and more than 90% of women for men praised his sexy than boast beautiful happy! But, chest with age, but also has the effects of gravitation, will slowly began to droop, and if we do not pay attention to breast health, may also suffer from breast hyperplasia, breast cancer and


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