身高问题(Height problem).doc

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身高问题(Height problem)

身高问题(Height problem) Height is affected by race, heredity, and environment. The reason Asians are shorter than westerners is not necessarily our lack of nutrition, but our genetic function. The long-term nutritional status of children is closely related to the height of children. Height is a very important indicator of the long-term nutritional status of children. If the height is abnormal, we should also consider the influence of endocrine hormones and bone and cartilage hypoplasia. For example, hypothyroidism caused by cretinous short and stay, achondroplasia in children with short and limb deformities. Short stature caused by malnutrition, rickets and other nutritional deficiencies, the proportion of all parts of the body is symmetrical. Average newborn length is 50 cm, the first year after birth, the fastest growth in the end of 1, about 75 cm. The second year growth rate slowed down, an annual increase of 5-7 cm 2 to 12 years old. After 1 years the average height can be calculated as follows: height = age (years) * 5 (CM) 75 (cm). After entering the youth, as the height of the growth rate is accelerated, so 12 years old can not be calculated by the above formula. Genetic influences on bone development, especially long bone, accounted for 80%, while environmental factors accounted for 20%. Professor Liang Shufang of Department of Pediatrics of Chinese University Hong Kong studies the relationship between height of children and their parents height. The research shows that the factors influencing childrens height are different at different ages. In utero, the growth of the fetus is mainly confined to the mother. After birth, the factors that affect growth are gradually transferred to the genetic genes that are determined by the time of conception, expressed in the correlation between children and their parents. In the first year after birth, the length of a baby is most active, but unstable, and varies greatly relative to the height of the parent. In the first tw


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