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车窗起雾 Window fog is the internal heat, cold temperature difference, may be more than ten degrees, and even in winter 20 degrees, so that glass will appear fog, this physics common sense, then this will no longer dwell on. The editor below will share with you some tips on how to prevent fog and fog. The first kind of method uses special mist removal product In many markets and auto parts and other places, there will be some fog, fog special products stalls, such as fog or fog, towels and so on. This kind of mist spraying to the inner surface of the glass on the car, and wipe clean, clear glass in the dirt at the same time, but also the formation of a thin layer of transparent protective film on the glass, it can prevent the water vapor condenses on the glass fog layer formed by spray anti fog can be ten days - half a month about a. Of course, the easy way to spend money, for fog such a simple problem, spend this money, presumably cost performance is not the highest. The second kind of method is window convection If the fog is not so that we can open a window on both sides of the slot (when its raining, the car can not do) air that convection, the temperature inside the car slowly approaching the outside temperature, the fog will be dispersed. The advantage is that you can achieve the effect of air conditioning without increasing fuel consumption, but this method is not available in all circumstances, such as cold winter and rainy days. This is a good method when it is not raining and the temperature is acceptable. The disadvantage is that it is unsuitable to run at high speed. The third kind of method is air conditioning system We face the wind and fog in winter and rainy days. I believe many friends use air conditioning system to remove fog. In fact, there are some skills here. Many friends believe that the use of cold air or warm air mist removal effect is good, there are doubts and disputes, in fact, this problem is two sides, due to different circumstances. The us


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