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基于电磁耦合阵列定位的无线电能传输装置 朱俊杰 李智 李旻竞 夏吉 张田力 中南林业科技大学计算机与信息工程学院, 摘要:提出了一种基于电磁耦合阵列定位的无线电能传输技术,并在此基础上完成了对该装置的开发与研制。装置由环形电磁耦合阵列、能量发送器、能量接收器、微控制器等四部分构成。该装置由能量发送器产生一高频振荡电流,经过耦合传至接收器,经过滤波给用电设备供电。通过微处理器完成对环形电磁耦合阵列线圈与接收线圈耦合度的检测,只对耦合度最高的线圈供电,使得用电设备不管处于何种方向,总有一个发送线圈与用电设备的接收线圈接近于全耦合。这样,避免了电能浪费,减少了电磁辐射,实现了用电设备可以在一定范围任意移动,保证了电能传输的高效率。 电磁耦合阵列 Radio Transmission Equipment Based on Positioning of the Electromagnetic Coupling Array Zhu Jun-jie Li Zhi Li Min-jing Xia Ji Zhang Tian-li Computer and Information Engineering College, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Hunan Changsha 410004 Abstract: A kind of radio transmission technology based on positioning of the electromagnetic coupling array is presented in this paper. The research and development of the equipment was completed on this basis. It consists of annular array of electromagnetic coupling, energy transmitter, power receiver, and MCU. A high-frequency oscillating current produced by the energy transmitter, which is transmitted to the receiver after coupling and then power to electrical equipment through filter. Through the coupling detection of electromagnetic coupling array coil and receiver coil by MCU, it can only power to the coil with highest coupling, so that it always has a sending coil and receiving coils of electrical equipment, no matter what direction it is in, close to full coupling. In this way, it can avoid wasting energy, reduce the electromagnetic radiation, and, particularly, realize that the electrical equipment can be moved in a range of arbitrary, which could ensure the high efficiency of power transmission. Keywords: radio energy transmission electromagnetic coupling array efficiency of power transmission electromagnetic coupling transmission distance 引言 随着用电设备的增加,电线和插座也随之大量制造和使用,这样势必消耗大量物质和能源,也容易造成室内环境杂乱,不利于构建资源节约型和环境友好型社会。传统电能传输是采用有线传输方式,但在很多场合不宜采用这种方式,例如:深海作业机器人、心脏起搏器、磁悬浮列车等[1][2][3]。电能无线传输一直是人类的梦想,国内外科学家一直在此领域进行不断的研究与探索。 目前,关于无线电能传输主要有三种方式[4][5]:一是微波电能传输方式。该方式利用无线电波收发原理传输电能


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