2014.4沈 读写任务专题复习2014.4.14-18.ppt

2014.4沈 读写任务专题复习2014.4.14-18.ppt

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2014.4沈 读写任务专题复习2014.4.14-18

Example Stella 处在青春叛逆期,跟父母沟通有问 题,经常争吵。对于青少年如何和父母相处, 你给Stella建议是什么?(40-50 words) Sentence frames and heads (句子框架与引语) ◆ As for your problems… To begin with…In addition… Chunk (词块) ◆ show respect for, turn to experts for help Example As for your tense relationship with your parents, here I offer some possibly helpful advice. To begin with, just calm down and relax because quarrel will bring no good but harm. In addition, as a daughter, show respect for your parent and put yourself in their shoes. Last but not least, turn to psychologists for professional help if necessary. Hope you can get along wellwith them. Paragraph= TS +SS +CS 2014.4.14 读写任务写作提纲指导 年份 阅读材料 材料文体 考生写作文体 2007 父亲的信 书信 回信(夹叙夹议) 2008 大学校园生活 发言稿 议论文 2009 禁止游客和动物拍照 时评 议论文 2010 如何鼓励孩子学习 新闻 议论文 2011 住宿生想家 故事 记叙文(夹叙夹议) 2012 教师对学生的影响 书信 读后感(夹叙夹议) 2013 对平凡工作的看法 社论 议论文 非官方标准s 审题 + 长度 ____3+14___分 美观 + 整洁 ____3+15___分 漂亮扣题句 ____3+16___分 填充好词好句 ____4+17___分 写作备考 保证长度:基础10行,任务3.5+15行 2) 20 + 30 分钟! 基础8分钟起草(关键词翻译),12分钟抄正。 任务8分钟summary,5分钟审题并起草第一句 3) Summary :好词好句 3 涂改 4) 天天练字,直至高考 “读写任务”指导 Summary部分: 用1-3句表达,3-4行, 8m’ Step1 读中文:预测材料大意,判断文体 Step2 速读所给材料,把握主题 1.分段或分层 2.主题句或关键词(寻词摘句) 3.Change 和 Combine Step3 组织语言写摘要(取舍内容,存主去次) Summary的基本要求:3个“No” No comments, No copying, No details 概括方法 5.3P333 对于故事类记叙文,我们应首先找出故事的主角,然后找出该主角(何时何地因何原因或出于何种目的)做了何事,再弄清结果如何,以及该故事说明了一个什么道理或给人有什么启示。其中“某人做了某事”是最主要的。 ... sb. did sth. / sth. (2011广东) Who :Sam What: (Verb) (分段或分层概括) ---got to ---, started crying, ---could not fit in ,feel homesick, ---got sick---hated How :happy, sick 概括方,2011广东 1.When Sam first arrived at the boarding school, he was happy. But when he learnt that he couldn’t see his parents at weekends, he felt terrible and even got sick, thinking his parents hated him. 2.Sam was very happy when he was first sent to the boarding school, but soon he became homesick. He couldn’t concentrate on his lessons and felt angry and lonely. He even thought his


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