探讨植发后的恢复过程(To investigate the recovery process after hair transplant).doc

探讨植发后的恢复过程(To investigate the recovery process after hair transplant).doc

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探讨植发后的恢复过程(To investigate the recovery process after hair transplant)

探讨植发后的恢复过程(To investigate the recovery process after hair transplant) To investigate the recovery process after hair transplant Many friends will choose hair hair hair transplant surgery to get out of trouble. Hair transplant surgery, postoperative recovery is the most important work. The hair after the recovery medicine pay attention to what? In fact, the crucial step of the hair after recovery, so we compiled some information for your reference. The hair transplant procedure is a very complex process. To do surgery preoperative detection, blood test, to endure the operation process for 4-6 hours, so in order not to let the whole operation come to naught, hair after the resumption of work must be done. Work to restore the hair after what? The first is to return to work within 10 days after the hair transplant surgery. After surgery should pay more attention to rest, follow the doctors instructions, take the medicine on time. After the operation must not be high-altitude operations and driving; after four days later you can wash your hair, but do not rub hair parts; postoperative also avoid strenuous exercise, the best for 10 days and then increase the amount of exercise; if you need to wear a wig is best in a week after the surgery. In fact, the recovery period of hair after the hair is very short, especially to the SHT seamless hair surgery is basically zero recovery time, does not affect the daily work and life. But it takes about a year to get the hair back to normal. In general, it is 6 months of rapid hair growth, rapid growth in this period of time so you can bear hair, hair in the hair after the restoration in 9 months, a year later, you can see the final result. So dont worry, be patient and confident. Now we are no longer strange hair transplant surgery, the most effective way to solve the problem of hair loss is hair. Its going to send many friends will have such a doubt, is hair recovery period will not affect the work. At present, the development of hai



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