最新装修陷阱大全(The latest decoration trap Daquan).doc

最新装修陷阱大全(The latest decoration trap Daquan).doc

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最新装修陷阱大全(The latest decoration trap Daquan)

最新装修陷阱大全(The latest decoration trap Daquan) First, how to skip the decoration trap? (1) what is the decoration trap? Which is not to say the home decoration company offers is high, decoration trap, trap is the decoration decoration companies to obtain the maximum profit, some fees price very high, in order to allow customers to accept this price, the decoration company owners do not know their own decoration of the actual construction, in the budget price, less intentional reported that construction, making a total budget of false, cover the price of charge price. Lured customers signed decoration contracts, of course, in accordance with the actual amount of the project as a basis for settlement, so that in the budget deliberately less calculation of the renovation project, will produce a large number of additional items, the budget of ten thousand, checkout twenty thousand. (two) omen of decoration trap; 1., the decoration companys manual and accessories costs are significantly lower than or equal to the cost price, and the company does not have any other channels to generate profits. For example: floor tiles, migrant workers need 18 yuan / square, decoration companies as long as 12 yuan / square, and some decoration companies even play manual fee 50 percent off advertising. A fine for the good way, of course they believe in yourself is to let the owners lose money to do business, make up for many reasons, such as: do not make money model, to celebrate the festival discount and so on. How could there be such a thing as pie in the sky?! 2., before delivery of the design deposit, only to the owners on the computer to see quotations, not to take away, not to the owners carefully review and compare quotations. The quotation as the companys secret, but also regarded as a strange decoration industry phenomenon. 3. make packages offer ridiculously low, advertising on the * * * yuan / square package, but the amount of material and billing unit of package to make all sorts


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