最新颖的创业投资案例!(The most innovative venture capital case!).doc

最新颖的创业投资案例!(The most innovative venture capital case!).doc

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最新颖的创业投资案例!(The most innovative venture capital case!)

最新颖的创业投资案例!(The most innovative venture capital case!) The most innovative venture capital case! Column tree navigation Return home page The web site map contact webmaster Recruitment, entrepreneurship, examination, training, boutique, video shopping guide, catering, food, tourism, Leisure Association, dating, art salon, China Forum Username: Password: Authentication Code: permanent login, new user registration, forget the password? Your present position: Chinese student net business enterprise venture capital idea Article main text user login new user registration The most innovative venture capital case! Author: anonymous source: Address: 54 click your update time: 2006-9-1 10:24:18 Business opportunities are everywhere, you will see a window without good ideas and good way to seize new opportunities for investment in these opportunists can become a successful landing, entrepreneurial pioneer, the key point is that they can be quickly involved in the capture of opportunities, to grab the initiative. What is an entrepreneurial opportunity? If you can find ways to solve problems such as peoples life and work, this is business opportunity. Even though some problems have been solved, you can do it better, and you also have the opportunity to develop. In 1903, Mr. Gillette invented the replaceable shaver, then spread all over the world, the company has successfully listed in 1958; Taiwan businessman Ando Yufuku invented instant noodles in his shabby small factory of 10 square meters; in 1971, Nissin flagship product the sting launched a cup of the noodles, then swept the globe, and instant noodles are Japanese named Twentieth Centurys greatest invention; in 1992 the Qi Shichuan brothers invented canned sweet porridge tieking rice pudding; more than 10 years of tieking Babao porridge for them to create billions of wealth. Such examples too numerous to mention. The following are several business case of the hero, with its sharp eyes and touch on the insight and grasp


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