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2015考研英语词汇复习整理(1) aesthetic aesthetic This trend seems to accord with that sentence: an aaeesstthheettiicc fatigue.这个趋势似乎应了那句话:审美 的疲劳 1.in accord (with sth/sb) 1.in accord (with sth/sb) 11..iinn aaccccoorrdd ((wwiitthh sstthh//ssbb))与…一致(或相符合)in agreement with 2.of your own accord 2.of your own accord 22..ooff yyoouurr oowwnn aaccccoorrdd 自愿地;主动地 without being asked, forced or helped 3.with one accord 3.with one accord 33..wwiitthh oonnee aaccccoorrdd 全体一 obliged accord obliged accord I shall be much oobblliiggeedd if you aaccccoorrdd me an opportunity for an interview. 如蒙给以面谈机会,我将不胜感激 accord accord The worlds commitment to its aaccccoorrdd on climate change expires in a year. 世界对气候变化协定的承诺将在一年后失效。 acclaim acclaim aaccccllaaiimm 欢呼;欢迎;赞扬誉为; (为…)喝采;称誉;拥护 n v They acclaimed him as their leader. 他们推选他作为领袖。 accordance accordance aaccccoorrddaannccee一致;给予 accordance accordance Im in aaccccoorrddaannccee with him in this matter. 我在此事上与他是一致的 accordingly accordingly aaccccoorrddiinnggllyy 因此;所以;照着;相应地 accordingly accordingly They asked him to leave the meeting, and aaccccoorrddiinnggllyy he went. 他们要他离开会场,因此他就走了。 acquaint 使熟悉;使了解 sb/yourself with sth sb/yourself with sth acquaint ssbb//yyoouurrsseellff wwiitthh sstthh使熟悉;使了解to make sb/yourself familiar with or aware of sth acquaint acquaint You must aaccqquuaaiinntt yourself with your new job. 你必须熟悉你的新工作。 acquaintance 熟人;泛泛之交;认识的人;略有交情 acquaintance acquaintance Its my great pleasure to make aaccqquuaaiin


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