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RUVAC罗茨泵基础 Tianjin, Apr. 9, 2013 Laker He贺会权 Agenda 1 罗茨泵基本原理 2 莱宝真空RUVAC罗茨泵介绍 3 罗茨泵应用 4 变频器简介 Page 2 Apr. 9, 2013 一、罗茨泵基本原理 莱宝真空制造罗茨泵有60年的历史和经验  1848: 发明罗茨技术  1850: 莱宝成立  1868: Francis 和Philander Roots第一 次完成罗茨技术的实际应用  1954: 罗茨技术用于工业真空工程  1950年:莱宝开发出第一台RUVAC真 空泵 Page 3 Apr. 9, 2013 一、罗茨泵基本原理 抽气过程  两个叶轮之间以很小的间隙相向旋转 运动,叶轮将泵室的空间分隔。  叶轮位置为I 和II 时,进气室空间增 大。  在位置III, 部分空间与进气口隔开。  在位置IV, 被隔离空间与更高压强的 排气口相连,并由于气体从排气口进 入形成压缩。  叶轮继续旋转,被压缩的气体通过出 气口法兰排出。 影响S的因素: Volume ,Length,Speed,Shape, Gap Page 4 Apr. 9, 2013 一、罗茨泵基本原理 罗茨泵作用、特点 1、Shifting the Operating Pressure into the High Vacuum Range Roots vacuum pumps are capable of improving the attainable ultimate pressure of a pump system by a factor of 10. With two Roots vacuum pump stages and a corresponding backing pump it is possible to attain pressures in the range down to 10-5 mbar 2、Multiplied Pumping Speed Due to the non-contact rotation of the impellers, Roots vacuum pumps are able to run at higher speeds. it will be possible to pump large quantities of gas in connection with smaller backing pumps. Energy consumption of such a pump system is much less compared to a single backing pump offering the same pumping speed. 3、A service life of over 20,000 hours (3 years )without maintenance is quite common 4、Conversion from vertical to horizontal flow is easily implemented 5、the medium which is pumped is not contaminated with lubricants or sealants Page 5 Apr. 9, 2013 一、罗茨泵基本原理 内部结构 Page 6


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