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Training Session 1 – Training 2 Environmental Management Systems (EMS) EMS Checking 培训会议1-培训课程2-环境管理系统(EMS) EMS 检查 John Clarkson Strengthening EG in SCM Industry in Shaan Xi Province, China 加强中国陕西小型煤矿的环境治理工作 EMS Model and elements 环境管理系统(EMS)模型及基本要素 不断改善 管理评审4.6 环境政策4.2 检查4.5 计划4.3 实施与运作4.4 Element 4.5 - Checking 基本要素4.5-检查 What this session will cover: 本章节包括内容: 4.5.1 Monitoring and measurement 4.5.1 监测和测量; 4.5.2 Evaluation of compliance 4.5.2守规性之评估; 4.5.3 Nonconformity, corrective and preventative action 4.5.3不合格、矫正和预防措施; 4.5.4 Control of records 4.5.4记录控制; 4.5.5 Internal audit 4.5.5内部审计 Both standards ISO 14001 and ISO 14004 have similar sub-clauses and additional guidance is given in Annex A (informative) of ISO 14001 and in the General guidance and Practical Guidance sections of ISO 14004 ISO 14001标准和ISO 14004标准,两者有着类似的条款;ISO 14001标准中的附录A(信息型)和总则,以及ISO14004标准中实务指引部分,均给出了额外的指导说明。 What is involved in the checking process? 检查步骤中都包含哪些内容? Essentially measurement, monitoring and evaluation of the EMS effectiveness. By checking compliance with legal and other requirements and by checking against the requirements of EMS standards any nonconformity, corrective and preventative action can be taken to ensure the EMS remains on course and remains suitable for purpose. 对环境管理系统(EMS)的有效性进行最基本的测量、监测和评估。检查环境管理系统(EMS)标准的要求是否与法律和其他要求相一致;如果出现不一致的情况,应采取矫正和预防措施,保证环境管理系统(EMS)正常运行,并仍然与目的相适用。 4.5.1 Monitoring and measurement 4.5.1 监测和测量 How: 怎么做? By implementing and maintaining procedures to monitor and measure the environmental performance on a regular basis. Reference is again made to significant environmental aspects and their impacts. Records should be made of performance against legal requirements and previously agreed objectives and targets. 定期实施和维护,对环境绩效进行监测和测量。数据参考对环境方面和影响十分重要。对环境绩效进行记录,看是否与法律要求和之前确定的目标和指标相悖。 Where possible aspects and impacts should be measured either quantitatively or qualitatively and records kept of the results obtained. These can then


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