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;;临沂;临沂古名琅琊;沂蒙文化;Its the biggest victory since the Anti-Japanese War,starts from March 16, 1938 and ends of April 15.In a month of fighting, the Chinese army of about 290000 people went to war, the Japanese war number about 50000. The Chinese of more than 50000 people, the Japanese casualties about 20000. 台儿庄战役是抗日战争以来国民政府取得的最大胜利,从1938年3月16日开始至4月15日结束。在历时1个月的激战中,中国军队约29万人参战,日军参战人数约5万人。中方伤亡约5万余人,毙伤日军约2万余人。;华东烈士陵园;;煎饼 ;糁(sa); 蒙阴光棍鸡 ;There are ten major historical figures in Linyi 临沂十大历史名人:宗圣曾子、笔祖蒙恬、智圣诸葛亮、书圣王羲之、算圣刘洪、孝悌王祥、颜氏家训颜之推、忠烈颜真卿、名相匡衡、甲午三英左宝贵;书圣王羲之;智圣诸葛亮;荀子;Encouraged?to?learn/Convince?on?Learning?;Indigo?is?extracted?from?the?blue,?yet?darker?than?blue.?Ice?is?congealed?from?water,?but?is?colder?than?water.?A length of wood is so straight that it matches the straightened sline. When burnt and curved to a cartwheel, it is able to be the standard?of?the?dividers.?Now?that?it?has?been?shaped?well?by?processing,?it?will?neverbe?straightened,?even?though?it?were?dried?and?withered?by?wind?and?the?sun.?Accordingly,wood can be straightened after being measured by the sline and processed by som supplementary work.? Likewise,? metals? will? be? sharpened? after? being polished? on the knife stone hone. Hence, if? a? man? of? noble? character studies extensively and profoundly and reflects on himself every day, he will become wise and reasonable and successful, behaving perfectly.? 青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝;冰,水为之,而寒于水。木直中绳,輮以为轮,其曲中规。虽有槁暴(pù),不复挺者,輮使之然也。故木受绳则直,金就砺则利,君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣 ;Earthworms have no sharp claws or teeth, no strong muscles or bones, but they can feast on the mud above and drink at the underground springs below. This is because they are devoted to the same thing. Crabs have six legs and two pincers, but they have no other places to lodge except for the empty holes of snakes or water serpents. This is because they can’t concentrate themselves. 蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。蟹六跪而二螯,非蛇鳝之穴无可寄托者,用心躁也。;


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