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Chinese Mythology 中国神话 the content: 1.the origin and the classification 2.the main works 3.similarities and differences between chinese and western myths 4.some characters and symbols in chinese ancient myths 1,the origin of myth 神话的产生 sense of mystery 神秘感 feeling of awe 敬畏感 desire for control 控制欲 the classification of myth神话的分类 three parts in general: 1. creation myth 创世神话 Nvwa Created Man(女娲造人) 2.hero myth 英雄神话 Houyi Shooting the Sun(后羿射日) 3.war myth 战争神话 Yellow Emperor Tackled Human-God (黄帝擒蚩尤) 2,the main works of chinese mythology中国神话的基本典籍 ancient books古籍: Shanhijing《山海经》The songs of Chu《楚辞》 Tianwen《天问》 Huainanzi 《淮南子》 The Book of Songs《诗经》Mandarin《国语》 The commentary of Zuo《左传》 Zhuangzi《庄子》 Liezi《列子》等先秦古籍、纬书 the new achivement 新整理成果 The Ancient Myth Choose Release 《古神话选释》 Chinese Mythology Information Extraction 《中国神话资料萃编》 General theory of Chinese Mythology 《中国神话通论》 3,similarities between chinese and western myths 1.Both have stories about gods and men falling in love with each other. 2.Both stories share a view that god created man. differences between chinese and western myths 1.Chinese mythology is very scattered while western mythology has a strict system. 2.Chinese ancient myth has the very strong spirit of ethics while Greek gods have the persons desires, joys and sorrows. 4,some characters in chinese ancient myths there are many famous characters in chinese ancient myths, for example:盘古、伏羲、女娲、炎帝、黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、尧、舜、禹、嫦娥、姜子牙等 三皇(Three Emperors): 伏羲, 神农, 女娲 五帝 (Five Sovereigns):常指黄帝、颛顼、帝俊、尧、舜 四大天王:增长天王 、持国天王 、 多闻天王 、广目天王 four Heavenly Kings the Eight Immortals 八仙 铁拐李(李玄/李洪水)、汉钟离(钟离权)、张果老、蓝采和、何仙姑(何晓云)、吕洞宾(吕岩)、韩湘子、曹国舅(曹景休)。 道祖:老子(太上老君the very high lord) the God of Wealth 财神赵公明 the God of Longevity 寿星南极仙翁


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