第五章原子结构与元素周期律(The fifth chapter is atomic structure and periodic law of elements).doc

第五章原子结构与元素周期律(The fifth chapter is atomic structure and periodic law of elements).doc

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第五章原子结构与元素周期律(The fifth chapter is atomic structure and periodic law of elements)

第五章原子结构与元素周期律(The fifth chapter is atomic structure and periodic law of elements) The fifth chapter is atomic structure and periodic law of elements Teaching aims and requirements Understand the main points of Bohrs theory of hydrogen spectrum interpretation; familiar with the four quantum number value, significance and reasonable combination; understand the wave function and atomic orbital, probability density and the electron cloud meaning, image features of S and P electrons. To understand the three principles of nuclear electronic distribution; master the distribution of elements of the extranuclear electron, the electronic structure and the relationship between atomic elements where the cycle, race, region; understand the shielding effect and calculation method of drill wear effect and shielding constants and effective nuclear charge. Understand the significance of atomic radius, ionization energy, electron affinities and electronegativity, and their changing trends in the periodic table. Familiar with the relation between atomic structure and element properties. Two, key and difficult points Key: four quantum number value, significance and reasonable combination; nuclear electronic distribution, and can be used for arrangement of atoms extranuclear electron cycle; the relationship between elements of all atomic features and valence electron structure of outer nature. Difficulty: micro particle motion characteristics of two - wave particle, like the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the motion of micro particles of the probability distribution, Schrodinger equation, wave function and atomic orbital (PSI), only the radial distribution and angle distribution, atomic orbital angular distribution map and the electron cloud, the probability density of only 2 / day the surface, quantum number (n, l, m, MS). Three, the principle of extranuclear electrons. Multiple electron atomic orbital energy levels, Pauling approximate energy levels, you Co approximate energy level



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