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18 1-2     Vol. 18, No. 1-2 2000 6 GU IZHO U SCIEN CE Jun. , 2000 邱江平 ( , 20 1101) : ,。 , ,,,、。 3(、 )。, 。,, 。 ,—— 。 ,。 ,。 : ; ; ;;; ; ; ; Earthworms and environmental protection QIU Jian -Pin  (Department of Landscape and Environmental Science , Agricultural College , Shanghai J iao- Tong University , Shanghai 20 1101,China ) : , . Abstract As a main roup of animals in th e soil th e earthw orms play im portant functions in ecosystem They contribute to th e complex processes of decomposition, to the de radation of plant debris and to the mineralization of or anic materials. They mix the soil, improve soil aeration, draina e and moisture holdin capacity and help to . : , maintain soil structure These functions link up with th eir biomass and ecolo ical cate ories epi eic endo eic and . , anecic By exploitin these functions w e can consciously use suitable earthw orms for the purpose of environm ental protection. They are ood bioindicators of soil environm ent , for w hich the ecotoxicolo ical test by usin earthworm s both in laboratory and in field are set up for the evaluation of ch emical contaminants in the soil. They . can considerably accelerate the decomposition of or anic materials by the syner y w ith microor anism A new technolo y of vermicomposition is developed for the t reatment of or anic waste. It seems that another new technolo y by usin earthw orms for the treatment of urban sew a e, vermifilt ration, is developin , which will have a wider application. The author ives a eneral presentation for the earthworms and a ener


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