习题六 (解答)(Problem six (answer)).doc

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习题六 (解答)(Problem six (answer))

习题六 (解答)(Problem six (answer)) One choice question 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 D 6 B 7 is correct 8 A 9 D 10 A 11 A 12 B 13 D 14 A 15 B Two fill in the blanks 1 sort by line 22, 4 3 character array 4 the first element address of the array 50 6159 2610 3711 4812 In 7 hours * * * * In 8 hours * * * * Nine One 21 331 4641 10 A B C D E 11 i=1 x[i-1] 12, int, flag, I, scanf (%s, STR1), str[i], =str1[i] 13, i=10-j, a[i]a[i+1], t=a[i], a[i+1]=t Three programming questions One #include stdio.h Void, main () { Int, I, n=0; Int a[10]; / * the definition of an array used to store the number 10. Float avg=0; / * define a variable, the average value is used to store the number of 10. Int, Max, min; Printf (please input 10 numbers: \n); / * * / prompt input number 10 / * read 10 numbers, and these numbers and. For (i=0; i10; i++) { Scanf (%d, a[i]); } Max=min=a[0]; For (i=1; i10; i++) { If (a[i]max) { Max=a[i]; } If (a[i]min) { Min=a[i]; } Avg+=a[i]; } Avg/=10; Printf (maximum value is%d, minimum value is%d: average value is:%f), Max, min, AVG); } Two #include stdio.h Void, main () { Int, I, temp, n=0, k=0; Int a[10]; / * the definition of an array used to store the number 10. Int min; Printf (please input 10 numbers: \n); / * * / prompt input number 10 / * read 10 numbers, and these numbers and. For (i=0; i10; i++) { Scanf (%d, a[i]); } Min=a[0]; For (i=1; i10; i++) { If (a[i]min) { Min=a[i]; K=i; } } If (k, =0) { Temp=a[0]; A[0]=a[k]; A[k]=temp; } Printf (the final array is: \n); For (i=0; i10; i++) Printf (%d, a[i]); Printf (\n minimum is:%d, subscript =%d, Min, K); } Three # include stdio.h # define N 6 Main () {int, a[N][N]={0}, i=0, j=0; For (i=0; iN; i++) A[i][0]=a[i][i]=1; / * to the first column and the diagonal elements of fu * 1 For (i=2; iN; i++) For (j=1; ji; j++) / * diagonal elements have been assigned, so ji. A[i][j]=a[i-1][j-1]+a[i-1][j]; / * * / assignment to other elements For (i=0; iN; i++) {for (j=0; j=i; j++) printf (%5d, a[i][j]); Printf (\n); } } Four [solutions] pr


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