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cdgdf(cdgdf) Experiment 5 cycle structure programming (1) First, the purpose of the experiment 1. familiar with while statements, DO-WHILE statements and for statements to achieve the cycle method 2., in programming, using the loop method to achieve some commonly used algorithms (such as exhaustion, iteration, recursion, etc.) 3. master and analyze cycle structure procedures Two, the experiment content and steps 1. respectively with the while statement, DO-WHILE statement written procedures, calculation of E = 1+1/1 + +1/n! +1/2!..! (1) write programs in a single loop (2) make the error less than the given epsilon, and set epsilon =10-5 (3) in addition to the output e, n output but also the total number of items 2. parity swap, for N integer within the parity switch, and output results 3. if a number is equal to all its factors (including 1 but not including itself) and is known as the end of the number of. For example, 1, is the 6 factor 2, 3, and 6=1+2+3, so the number 6 is finished. Write a program to find all finished within 1000 and the completed and. (1) requires the use of for cycle (2) output form: 1+ = 2 and the number of the number of values... Three, experimental requirements 1. carefully observe, record and compare the experimental results in the experiment. If inconsistent, we should find out the reason. 2. discuss the errors in each link of the computer and the solutions. 3. analyze the difference between the three cycles. Experiment 6 program design of cyclic structure (two) First, the purpose of the experiment 1. proficiency in loop structure nesting 2. proficiency in selection and nesting of loop structures 3. master the use of break and continue statements Two, the experiment content and steps 1., the following procedures for statistical characters array C, 0, 1, 2 and other characters appear in the number of times, respectively, stored in variables I0, I1, and I2, after the end of the statistical output of their values. Requirement: analyze the ca



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