南京话 测试(Nanjing dialect test).doc

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南京话 测试(Nanjing dialect test)

南京话 测试(Nanjing dialect test) 1, wind Nanjing dialect pronunciation? The pronunciation of the Nanjing dialect of the car? 2, Yi strange, has been found in a dream of Red Mansions one book, two Nanjing words are? What is strange hysteria, mean? 3, every bus driver to a small number of small stations will ask: ah, down...... What do these two words mean? Nanjing dialect in which the word ah word tone? 4, where did you go to Ki?...... Translate into Mandarin? 5, wordy, with a classic Nanjing instead of yes? 6, Nanjing people say, baby with what word? 7, Nanjing people how to say bowl, with Pinyin out? 8, when you eat ravioli most classic a question is? 9, uncle, how to read Nanjing dialect? 10, brother, how to read Nanjing dialect? 11, you dont stand. Please answer in authentic Nanjing dialect. 12, grandma, with a word to shout, how to read? 13, opposite. What do people in Nanjing prefer? So did Eileen Changs book. 14, James Soong speech throughout authentic Nanjing words: I left Nanjing or sub mistress. What do you mean? 15. Black paint? What does black mean? How do you pronounce black Nanjing dialect? What does 16 and 25 mean? Around 25, mean? 17, the tongue (Shi 2 voices) answer what does it mean? Ten in the octopus? 18, small is what mean? 19, half cooked? 20, the meaning of solitary Su? 21, what do you mean by committing a crime? 22, the air is what mean? 23, what do you mean by Lao Ba Zi? 24, what does it mean? 25, helping? 26, knock knee? 27, whats the meaning of Silk coming? Which word comes from English? 28, straight do not get winter mean? 29, Zhang Wu? 30, live ugly, meaning? 31, a nuclear bomb, how should the nuclear read? What does it mean? 32, Nanjing classic curse words: jilt mean? 33, ah, yes, what does it mean? 34, is it live? 35, Nanjing words ah, oil - what does that mean? 36, Nanjing dialect did not say? 37, you dont have to buy a horse...... Excuse me, horse is what three words reading? What does this sentence mean? 38, boiled must diffuse out, with


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