为何需要任务调度(Why task scheduling is required).doc

为何需要任务调度(Why task scheduling is required).doc

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为何需要任务调度(Why task scheduling is required)

为何需要任务调度(Why task scheduling is required) Task scheduling is a common task in large scale. Developers want to perform various operations at specified intervals, and accomplish tasks that require no user input. There are countless ways to do this, but there is no uniform standard in Web applications. When many developers participate in the same project and implement task scheduling in different ways, it can cause a lot of problems. Memory and synchronization issues are two things to consider first. In fact, some developers try to invoke task scheduling mechanisms at the level, such as cron on the platform. This programming practice may not be too bad, but it will be a direct result of portability was forgotten. ChrisHardin; Caesar Original text: Keywords: Quartz; scheduling Why task scheduling is required? In web applications, most tasks are done in a way that prevents users from waiting for a long time. In search examples, reducing waiting times is critical to the user experience. An asynchronous task is to generate a thread in the user submitted (handle asynchronous task), but it also can not solve the need to certain time interval by repetitive tasks, or at a specified time to run the task every day. Lets look at the example of a report to see how task scheduling can help improve system design. Reports can be complex, depending on the type of data the user needs and whether or not data is needed to collect large amounts of data from one or more databases. It may take a long time for users to run such on-demand reports. Therefore, we add task scheduling mechanisms to this report example to arrange for reports to be generated at any time they need, and to send them in PDF or other formats in email. Users can make reports run at low load per day at 2:22 a.m., or you can choose to run only once at a specific time. By adding task scheduling to the report application, we can add a useful function to the product and improve the user experience. Fortunately, there is a po



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