南开大学2012年招收攻读硕士学位研究生说明(Nankai University in 2012 to recruit for masters degree, Graduate Student Notes).doc

南开大学2012年招收攻读硕士学位研究生说明(Nankai University in 2012 to recruit for masters degree, Graduate Student Notes).doc

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南开大学2012年招收攻读硕士学位研究生说明(Nankai University in 2012 to recruit for masters degree, Graduate Student Notes)

南开大学2012年招收攻读硕士学位研究生说明(Nankai University in 2012 to recruit for masters degree, Graduate Student Notes) Nankai University in 2012 to recruit for masters degree, Graduate Student Notes The published a, within the directory of enrollment plan number, graduate and professional degree graduate students academic include pushing the avoidance of the quota. The number of final admission should be adjusted according to the enrollment scale issued by our Ministry of education in the later period. Two, the recommended exemption refers to the original school recommended exemption qualifications and the qualified graduates in our school interview. Receiving my school and other key university graduating undergraduate course graduate school has recommended exemption qualification. According to the Ministry of education, master of business administration, master of public administration, master of engineering management, tourism management master, master of Engineering in project management professional master will not be allowed to receive the recommended exemption, our school will be in strict accordance with the Ministry of education documents. The average recommended exemption shall participate in online registration and payment within the specified time, apply for professional photography, once established at the time of registration shall not be changed later. Three, academic graduate candidates apply conditions 1, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, is willing to serve the socialist modernization drive, good moral character, law-abiding; 2, the state recognized the degree of undergraduate graduates (including fresh graduates); 3, students self and network education students are required to confirm the registration site before the deadline, before November 14th, must have made a graduation certificate before they can apply for the candidates, the normal candidates, not equivalent. When taking photos at the scene, from November 10th to November 14th, you n


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