微距摄影——虫虫特工队(Macroshot - tumblebugs).doc

微距摄影——虫虫特工队(Macroshot - tumblebugs).doc

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微距摄影——虫虫特工队(Macroshot - tumblebugs)

微距摄影——虫虫特工队(Macroshot - tumblebugs) Macroshot - tumblebugs Commenting on hummingbird nets [reprint] author: network synthesis, 2010, 04, 30, 06:34 You may occasionally covered with dew grass dragonfly was found in the morning, in the glow of refractive beads, and the insect body radiates metallic luster, or stop careful observation, found that heavy mothwing was originally composed of thousands of pieces of various shapes delicate scales, different colors, ingenious arrangement a specific pattern At this point, you will be amazed at the beauty and wonder of nature, not only in the dazzling splendor of the landscape, but also in the tiny lives. Because of the small beautiful, so more photographers will describe a macroshot lens. The so-called macro photography, generally refers to shoot than the normal size to the object image, the image size and the real size ratio of more than 1:1. To achieve this kind of shooting requires that the distance between the camera lens and the image panel is longer than the distance between the lens and the object. The film camera, macro photography need to use some special accessories can make the enlarged image (such as macro Jieqiang etc.). Compared with the film camera, digital camera has its own advantages in macro shooting, many digital cameras can generate perfect macro image effect, some cameras can rely on objects very close, there are also some camera magnifies objects and filled into the whole frame. In general, macro photography will make the shutter speed is very slow, so we need a stable platform. Digital camera manufacturers have taken into account this problem, and they provide camera self timer can effectively prevent the camera vibration. What is macro photography watch with a magnifying glass, some unseen details will appear suddenly, so many photographers took insects as macro theme. The early insect macroshot due to technical limitations, some people were killed by freezing, and other non conventional means, becaus



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