手机销售话术——功能类(Mobile phone sales -- functional class).doc

手机销售话术——功能类(Mobile phone sales -- functional class).doc

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手机销售话术——功能类(Mobile phone sales -- functional class)

手机销售话术——功能类(Mobile phone sales -- functional class) Mobile phone sales -- functional class Sales Scene 1: you recommend this cell phone camera, pixels are too low, NOKIA are 5 million pixels. The adverse response: 1, you buy a mobile phone, not buy a camera. 2, mobile phone photography has no use. 3, then you buy NOKIA okay. The combat strategy: Any customers complaint, the clerk should pay attention to the meaning. Why did the customer ask? In fact, I hope that the clerk can give him a good answer, give him a reasonable reason to buy, or customers want to get the reason for bargaining, and so on. In short, the analysis of the customers real psychological motivation, in order to give a good answer. As far as the case is concerned, the model recommended by the salesperson must be what he wants to sell, and the customer compares it with the NOKIA. Similar questions have been mentioned before. This take advantage of the disadvantages than strengths approach is obviously not comparable. Although not comparable, but the clerk still can not directly expose the customers intentions, but still pay great attention to. If the clerk insists on recommending the phone to the customer, it must reverse the current view of the customer, weaken the camera function of the phone and reinforce the selling point of the recommended handset. The sales: Conversation structure: changing customer perceptions + weakening conflicting focus + strengthening sales focus. Conversation 1: Sir / madam (agree with customer view) The phones camera isnt really the highest on pixels! (changing customer attitudes and giving new ideas to customers) In fact, the camera on a mobile phone just to use everyday just shoot something, it is not a professional camera, it is not a professional camera (weakening conflicts focus) even if the pixel is very high, but not what zoom, anti shake like, nor when the camera is used, and believe that family go travel will not only bring a mobile phone. In addition, 2 million



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