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25  1                        2005  1 Vol.25 No.1            BULLETIN OF BOTANICAL RESEARCH Jan.,  2005 * 张红霞 刘果厚  崔秀萍 (,  010019)   采用石蜡切片法对浑善达克沙地流动沙丘顶部、丘间草地处的浑善达克沙地榆及呼和浩 特市白榆 的解剖结构进行了对比观察和分析,以期探讨浑善达克沙地榆在解剖学方面适应干旱 的机理。结果表明, 虽然属同种植物,但由于环境条件的不同, 片的解剖结构表现出明显的差 异。生境条件最差的流动沙丘顶部的浑善达克沙地榆的抗旱性最强,具体表现为: 片厚,表皮细 胞大,具有较厚的表皮细胞外壁与角质层;栅栏组织发达,细胞缩小, 排列紧密。  浑善达克沙地榆; 片;解剖结构;抗旱性 Affection of aridity to anatomical structure of leave of Ulmus p umila L .var .sabulosa * ZHANG Hong-Xia LIU Guo-Hou  CUI Xiu-Ping (College of Ecology and Environmental Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hu ot 010019) Abstract  In order to discuss t e droug t-resistant mec anism of Ulmus p umila L.var.sabulosa in anato- my, t e comparative observation and analysis of anatomical structure of leaves of Ulmus p umila L.var.sabu - losa from t e top of drifting sandy dune and inter-dunes grassland in Otindag Sandy Land, Ulmus p umila from Hu ot were demonstrated by using t e met od of slices of paraffinwax in t is paper.T e results s owed t at t e anatomical structure of t e leave s owed notable differences owing to different environmental condition in spite of belonging to t e same species.T e droug t resistance of Ulmus pumila L.var.sabulosa from t e top of drifting sandy dune w ose abitat was t e poorest was t e strongest.Its leave was t ick, and its epidermis cell was big.Its epidermis cell wall and cuticle were t ick.Its palisade tissue was developed, and t e cell of palisade tissue became smaller and densely arranged. Key words Ulmus p umila L.var.sabulosa ;leave;anatomical structure;droug t resistance (Ulmu


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