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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资 料 GMAT逻辑结论题解析(102)-智课教育 做结论题的时候要注意,共同结合点的,将其结合起来,看能推出 什么。如果没有结合点,记住信息。对原文有充分必要推理有的,找推 理起点(或在原文,或在问题,或在选项),由起点列出推理链。用该推 理链选项找答案。接下来小编就GMAT逻辑结论题解析介绍给大家,希 望为考生备考GMAT逻辑助一臂之力。 一、CONCLUSION(INFER):结论(推论)102. Theater Critic: The play La Finestrina, now at Central Theater, was written in Italy in the eighteenth century. The director claims that this production is as similar to the original production as is possible in a modern theater. Although the actor who plays Harlequin the clown gives a performance very reminiscent of the twentieth-century American comedian Groucho Marx, Marx’s comic style was very much within the comic acting tradition that had begun in sixteenth-century Italy. The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that (A) modern audiences would find it hard to tolerate certain characteristics of a historically accurate performance of an eighteenth-century play (不相关:准确表演) (B) Groucho Marx once performed the part of the character Harlequin in La Finestrina (不相关:没提到) (C) in the United States the training of actors in the twentieth century is based on principles that do not differ radically from those that underlay the training of actors in eighteenth-century Italy (不相关:演员培养) (D) the performance of the actor who plays Harlequin in La Finestrina does not serve as evidence against the director’s claim (相关:导演和演员一致) (E) the director of La Finestrina must have advised the actor who plays Harlequin to model his performance on comic performances of Groucho Marx (不相关:未提及) 分类: 看原文: 前提1(隐含假设): 前提2(事实): 总结论(推测): 找答案: TEST: 模型或要素: 喜剧、表演、导演、演员、模仿 以上就是关于GMAT逻辑结论题解析的相关内容介绍,希望大家能 够了解。多多备考了解GMAT相关信息,争取做到万无一失。更多关于 GMAT逻辑结论题的内容介绍小编会为大家呈现。最后祝大家顺利备考 GMAT考试 ,早日梦圆名校。


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