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国际酒类中国大型展览订购会情况说明 Details of China International Wine Spirits Expo for Ordering 一.展会名称: 国际酒类中国大型展览订购会 1. Name: China International Wine Spirits Expo for Ordering 二.展会时间:2009年8月26—2009年8月27日,开幕式26日上午10:00。 2. Time: 26-27 August, 2009; opening ceremony: 10 a.m., August 26 三.参展报名截止日期:2009年8月10日。请参展商提前布展,布展截止日期为:2009年8月23日 3. Deadline: August 10th, 2009. Exhibitors are supposed to make arrangement of exhibition in advance, with the deadline on August 23, 2009. 四.展会地址:中国天津保税区管委会办公大楼四楼酒类展厅 4. Venue: Wine Spirits Exhibition Hall, Floor 4, Office Building of Administrative Commission, Tianjin Free Trade Zone, China 五.主办单位: 天津市商务委员会、天津保税区管理委员会 5. Organizers: Tianjin Commerce Commission Administrative Commission of Tianjin Free Trade Zone 承办单位:深圳市海伟投资有限公司、天津保税区海伟酒类交易市场 Sponsor: Shenzhen Hai-wei Investment Co., Ltd. Tianjin Free Trade Zone Hai-wei Liquor Trading Market Co., Ltd. 协办单位:天津市糖烟酒行业协会、天津锦怡酒业有限公司、北京中智华盛商贸有限公司 Co-organizers: Tianjin Sugar, Tobacco and Wine Industry Association ABC Wine and Spirits Collection Ltd. Beijing Wisens Business Trading Co., Ltd. 六.参展对象:各国酒庄、酒进口商、酒代理商、酒经销商、酒包装商、酒具制造商、酒行业广告商、各行业媒体、各酒行业组织等。 6. Exhibitors: wine/spirits maker, wine importer/agent /distributor/packer, wine accessories equipment maker, advertising agency of wine industry, organizations of wine industry, media, etc. 七.展览范围:各种进口酒,包含萄萄酒、烈性酒、果酒、利口酒、啤酒、白酒等,国产酒不参加。 7. Exhibit Categories: all sorts of imported wine and spirits, such as red wine, white wine, rose wine, ratafee, liqueur, beer, and distilled spirit, etc., excluding domestic wine. 八.展会目的:提供高端的、现代的、全新的、具有实质意义的酒类展示平台,给国外酒庄与代理商提供一次真正面对面接触的机会,让国外酒商快速、畅顺地打开中国销售市场,让国内酒代理商和经销商找到自己真正需要的酒品牌。 8. Aims: To provide a high-end, modern, brand-new and substantive wine and spirits display platform; to create an opportunity for overseas wine traders and domestic agents to communicate face to face, so as to help overseas wine traders march into China market quickly and smoothly, as wel


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