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论哈代小说中的宇宙意识 张一鸣 内容摘要:所谓宇宙意识,是指人对宇宙和人在宇宙中之地位的认识。托马斯·哈代思考 和探求宇宙太空的奥秘以及人在宇宙中的位置,并将这种宇宙意识融入到自己的整个文学 创作中,包括诗歌、小说以及史诗剧《列王》,在时间跨度上,早至哈代文学创作之初的 1866 年,一直持续到 1920 年代。本文主要聚焦哈代的小说创作,拟从两个方面探讨哈代 小说中的宇宙意识:一方面,哈代将夜幕下布满篝火的埃格敦荒原类比为星空,将天体星 球之间遥不可及的距离作为人物关系的隐喻。另一方面,哈代既让小说中人物仰望星空, 又让叙事者自由变换视角从天空反观地球和俯视人类。通过援引和类比天体星球,哈代将 他的小说世界置于辽阔无比的宇宙,在茫茫宇宙的映衬下,人物间心灵的疏离隔绝更显悲 怆,地球人类更显渺小无助。宇宙意识成为哈代悲观主义的一种缘由或表达。 关键词:托马斯 ·哈代;宇宙意识;鸟瞰视角 作者简介:张一鸣,中南民族大学外语学院副教授,华中师范大学博士研究生,主要从事 英美文学研究。本文是中南民族大学中央专项一般项目【项目批号:ZSY10017 】的阶段性 成果。 Title: The Cosmic Consciousness in Thomas Hardy’s Novels Abstract: The so-called cosmic consciousness refers to human understanding of the universe and his place in it. Thomas Hardy is attracted by the mystery of the universe and incorporates the cosmic consciousness into his literary works including his poems, novels and The Dynasts. References to celestial bodies appear in his literary works as early as 1866 and continue well into the 1920s. This essay focuses on Hardy’s novels, discussing the cosmic consciousness reflected in them. On one hand, by bringing the night sky down to the surface of the Egdon Heath, Hardy draws an analogy between the earth and the sky, and uses the immense distance between celestial bodies as a metaphor for the relationship between the characters. On the other hand, Hardy lets his characters look up at the sky and the narrators look down at the Earth and human beings on it from the sky. By invoking and comparing with celestial bodies, Hardy sets his novel world in the vast universe, the Earth and the human world minimized by contrast. The cosmic consciousness becomes a kind of source or expression of Hardy’s pessimism. Key words: Thomas Hardy; cosmic consciousness; a bird’s-eye view Author: Zhang Yiming is associate professor at the School of Foreign Languages, South-Central University for Nationalities (Wuhan 430074, China), and a Ph. D. Candidate at Central China Normal University (Wuhan 430079, China). Her research area


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