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2007 6 新中国成立初期上海外资企业改造中的转让 12 新中国建立后, 外资企业作为帝国主义在华势力的重要体现, 对经济发展有一 的负面影响。 随着社会主义经济改造的逐步展开, 改造外资企业是历史的必然。但受国内外政治经济环境的影响, 建国 初期的外资改造过程比较复杂。上海作为旧中国外资企业最为集中的地区, 有关部门进行了多种改造方式 的摸索, 形成了以/ 转让0 为主的挤压方式, 运用合理、合法的经济手段完成了在华外资企业的改造, 将 其转化为国营企业, 成为社会主义经济的有机组成部分。 12 外资企业; 上海; 社会主义改造; 转让 12 D232 12 A 12 1003- 3815( 2007) - 06- 0088- 06 / Transfer0 in the Transformation of Foreign2Owned Enterprises In Shanghai in the Early Days of New China Zhang Kan Abstract: After the founding of New hina, the foreign2owned enterprises as the main embodiment of imperialist forces in hina had certain negative impact on hinaps economic development. With the gradual unfolding of socialist economic transformation the transformation of foreign2owned enterprises became a historical inevitability. However, under the influ2 ence of the political and economic influence at home and abroadthe transforming process in the early days of New hina was rather complicated. In Shanghai, a place where foreign2owned enterprises were the most highly concentrated, the depart2 ments concerned probed into various ways of transformation and decided to squeeze out these enterpriseswith / transfer0 as the main form. As a result, foreign2owned enterprises in hina were transformed with rational and legitimate means and turned into state2owned enterprises and an organic part of socialist economy. 中华人民共和国成立后, 在华外资企业出现 ¹ 了转折性变化, 被纳入了社会主义改造的范围 。 受国内外环境影响, 建国初期外资企业改造过程 ¹ 国内学界对此过程少有专门讨论, 大部分在中华人民共 和国经济史的通论中进行了描述, 如吴承明、董志凯主 比较复杂, 改造的方式有行政命令和商业协议两 编 5 中华人民共和国经济史6 ( 第 1 卷


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