mPGES1 一个新药物开发靶点 郭雷.pdf

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2008, Vo.l 32, N o. 3 103 P rog ress in Pharm aceutica l Sc iences 2008年第32卷 第3期 第103页 m PGES-1 一个新的药物开发靶点 * 郭 雷 , 王淑军 (淮海工学院海洋学院, 江苏 连云港 222005) [ ] E -1( mPGES-1), 2 mPGES-1 3 E , , 2 , , [ ] E -1; ; 2 [ ] R91; Q55 [] A [ ] 1001- 5094( 2008) 03- 0 103- 07 m PGES-1: A New Target for Drug Development GUO Le,i WANG Shu-jun (M arine College, H uaihai Institute of Technology, L ianyungang 222005, China) [Abstract] M embrane-asso iated prostaglandin E synthase (mPGES-1) is one of three types of PGES 2 and an indu ible enzymew h i h an be indu ed by proinflammatory ytokines. mPGES-1 plays an mi por- tant role in the physiopathology of arthritis, fever and pain asso iated w ith inflammation, atheros lerosis and even an er. In th is paper, the b iologi al properties, physiology and physiopathology ofmPGES-1 as w ell as the possibility to be applied into the drug RD as a novel targetw ere summarized. [Keywords] mPGES-1; Physiopathology; D rug target ( prostanoid, PG s) pholipase A , PLA ) , 2 2 , ( ara h idon i a id, AA ); , ( TXA ), E ( PGE ) ( Cy looxygenase, COX ) G 2 2 2


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