
半开式叶轮注塑模设计 毕业设计论文.doc

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半开式叶轮注塑模设计 毕业设计论文

半开式叶轮注塑模设计 摘 要 本设计说明书含绪论在内共有8章,分别介绍了所给塑件工艺性的分析、模具总体结构的确定、成型零部件的设计与计算、机构零部件的设计、推出机构与温度调节系统、模具外形与三维效果以及模具和叶轮的使用与维护等内容。 塑料模具是指用于成型塑料制作的模具,它是型腔模的一种类型。通过阅读有关文献以及书籍,使自己对注塑模具的工作原理、优缺点,注塑成型工艺过程等有了较全面的了解。根据所给的半开式叶轮塑件,确定其注塑模设计方案,包括高密度聚乙烯性能分析、注塑机的选择、模具总体结构确定、浇注系统的设计、成型零部件设计、导向机构设计、排气系统设计等,然后运用CAD软件画出所用二维零件图并修改,再最终完成注塑模二维装配图设计。最后根据二维图运用UG三维软件逐一绘制出零件三维图、总装配图、爆炸图,并撰写设计论文。选用标准模架能使有些板件无需校核,使得设计过程不复杂有利于模具制造周期缩短;采用推杆推出机构,将塑件推出,使塑件脱模方便有效;采用一模一腔双分型面既能符合小批量生产的要求又能使模具结构简单时效、塑件质量得到保证; 本次设计的主要内容有:模具总体方案的确定;模具总体结构的设计;成型零部件的分析设计与计算;浇注系统的设计;导向机构的设计;排气系统与冷却水道的确定;各个二维零件与装配图的绘制;三维装配图与爆炸图的设计。 关键词:半开式叶轮;注塑模;设计 The injection mold design of half open impeller Abstract This design specifications including introduction, consists of eight chapters, respectively introduces the analysis for plastics technology, mould overall structure determination, molding parts design and calculation, institutions parts design, launch institutions and temperature control system, mould shape and a 3d effect and mold and the impeller of using and maintenance, etc. Plastic mould that is used for forming plastic production mold, it is a type of type radii. Through reading related documents and books in injection molding, the working principle, advantages and disadvantages, such as injection molding process a more comprehensive understanding. Make me to mold the whole structure design and components design process to wait to have a further understanding and mastery. According to half open impeller plastics, determine its injection molding design solutions, including high density polyethylene performance analysis, the injection molding machine selection, mould overall structure determination, the design of gating system, molding parts design, steering mechanism design, exhaust system design, then use CAD software draw used 2d part drawing and modify, finally complete injection mold design. 2d drawings finally, according to the two-dimensional diagram using UG 3dsoftware by 3d graph, mapping out parts total assembly draw


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