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7 3 () Vo.l 7 No. 3 2007 9 JOURNAL OF NAN JING NORMAL UN IVERSITY ( ENG INEERING AND TECHNOLOGY EDIT ION ) Sep, 2007 锅炉除焦剂使用效果分析 徐生荣 (, 210042) [] , , . 200 MW , , , . , . [] , , , [] TK22712 [ ] B [] 1672-1292( 2007) 03-0044-04 Analysis of Effects in the Application of Boiler Chem icalAdditive X u S heng rong ( School ofPow er E gi eeri g, Na ji g N orm alU iversity, Na ji g 210042, Chi a) Abstract: Accord i g to slag buildup i boilers a d its detrmi e t i flue ce, th is paper d iscusses the reaso s of slag buildup i boilers, a d gives a brief descriptio i slag-clea i g mecha ism for chem ical add itive to slag. Through a- alysis of parameter cha ge for two 200 MW utility boilers, it is poi ted out that the flexib ility i operatio is mi - proved, a d the practical resu lts of applicatio chem ical add itive to slag are reaso able. It is believed that usi g chem ical additivew ith help of regular soot b low er ca reduce slag more effectually o boilers. K ey words: slag bu ildup, chem ical additive, slag-clea i g m echa ism, boiler efficie cy 0 引言 , . , , , , , , . (), . , . 1 锅炉结焦原因分析 (). . , , , , , . ( , ), , , , . (), : 111 , , . , , , . : 2007-03-28. : ( BK2002026) . : ( 1957-), , . E-m ail: xu she gro g@ j u. edu. c ) 44 ) : . ( 1450~ 1 650e ) . , , , , . , , , . . SiO 2 A lO MgOFe O Fe O FeOCaONa OK O. , SiO A lO , 2 3 3 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 ; , ; CaO (



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