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园 艺  学  报  2009 , 36 ( 7) : 983 - 988 A cta Horticu lturae Sin ica 黄瓜无侧枝品系 S61 的形态解剖学观察及其无侧枝 成因分析 蒋  苏 , 蔡  润 , 潘俊松 , 何欢乐 (上海交通大学农业与生物学院 , 上海 200240) 摘  要 : 在田间发现一个无侧枝表型的黄瓜品系 。通过对该品系进行多年的田间观察 、形态解剖学观 察以及不同温度和光周期的影响试验 , 发现该品系的无侧枝表型是由于侧生分生组织全部向花芽方向分化 所造成的。当温度或光周期提高至一定程度时 , 该品系能出现花序逆转的现象 。将此无侧枝黄瓜品系和有 侧枝黄瓜品系的形态解剖学观察结果对比后发现 , 在黄瓜叶腋部位原基形成的早期阶段 , 原基是同质的 , 由遗传和环境共同决定将来的分化方向。 关键词 : 黄瓜 ; 侧生分生组织 ; 侧枝 ; 成花逆转 ; 形态 ; 解剖 中图分类号 : S 642 2; Q 944 5  文献标识码 : A   文章编号 : 0513353X (2009) Ana tom y O b serva tion and M orphogenetic Cau sa tion of Non la tera l Branch Cucum ber L ine S61 J IAN G Su , CA I Run , PAN Junsong, and H E Huanle (S chool of A g ricu ltu re and B iology, S hangha i J iao Tong Un ivers ity, S hang ha i 200240, Ch ina) A b stract: L ateral b ranch ing and inflore scence are importan t componen ts of p lan t arch itectu re. P lan t u sually change s from vegetative grow th to rep roductive grow th. A cucumber line S6 1 w ith nonlateral b ranch p henotyp e wa s ob served in greenhou se for several years. Both anatom y ob servation and differen t grow th condi tion te sts had been taken in th is study. The re su lts showed that the axillary m eristem of line S6 1 had differen ti ated to flower bud s. Inflore scence reversion cou ld happ en in S6 1 when grow th condition changed. A natom y comp arison re su lts between had / non lateral b ranch cucumber line s p roved that at the early step s of develop m en t, axillary p rimordium were all the sam e, d ifferen tiation a sp ect were determ ined m ain ly by inheritance. Key words: Cucum is sa tivus L. ; axillary m eristem ; lateral b ranch ing; inflore scence reversion; mor p ha; anatom y 侧枝和花是影


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