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第 30 卷第 10 期 电 子 与 信 息 学 报 Vol.30No.10 2008 年 10 月 Journal of Electronics Information Technology Oct. 2008 EMD方法及其在红外气体传感器信号处理中的应用 谢 琼 李建平 高晓光 贾 建 (中国科学院电子学研究所传感技术国家重点实验室 北京 100190) 摘 要:该文研究了经验模式分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,EMD)方法在红外气体检测中的应用。针对红 外气体浓度信号的特点对算法进行了改进,使得算法能够在不分解出所有 IMF(Intrinsic Mode Function)分量的情 况下,正确提取所需的 IMF 分量。与低通滤波和锁相等方法进行了比较分析,结果表明,改进后的 EMD 算法具 有所需数据量少、计算量小、提取的有用信号能量损失少等优点,可以快速识别气体浓度的变化,有效提高气体浓 度测量的精度,适用于在线实时检测。 关键词:红外气体检测;经验模式分解;数字锁相 中图分类号:TP212 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5896(2008)10-2516-04 The EMD Method and Its Application to Signal Processing for Infrared Gas Detection Xie Qiong Li Jian-ping Gao Xiao-guang Jia Jian (State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology, Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China) Abstract: Based on the analysis of the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method, an improved algorithm for signal processing in IR optical gas detection is presented. It decomposes only frequency-modulated signal without need to decompose every Intrinsic Mode Function (IMF) component. Compared with the methods of low-pass filter and digital lock-in amplifier, the improved algorithm has advantages of short data set, fast computation speed and less signal energy loss. It is more effective and time-saving than the conventional EMD method. The changes of gas concentration can be diagnosed by the algorithm and the precision can be improved at the same time. Thereby the gas concentration can be determined accurately and efficiently and it is suitable for real-time detection. Key words: IR gas detection; Empiric


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