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第32 卷 第2 期 地球科学与环境学报 Vol.32 No.2
20 10 年6 月 Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment Jun .20 10
1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3
陈文玲 ,赵法锁
(1. , 710054;2. ,
710054;3. , 710054)
:, ,
;; ,
, ,
:T U452;P642.3 :A :1672-656 1(20 10)02-0200-05
Study on Choice of Creep Model Parameters
for Mica-quartzose Schist
CHEN Wen-lin 1,2, 3, ZHAO Fa-suo1,2, 3
(1.S chool of Geological E ngineering and S urvey ing, Chang an University , X i an 710054, Shaanxi, China;
2.K ey Laboratory of Western Mineral Resource and Geological E ngineering of Ministry of Education,
Chang an University , X i an 710054, Shaanxi, China;3.O en Research K ey Laboratory of Geotechnical
Eng ineering of Ministry of Land and Resources, Chang an University , X i an 710054, Shaanxi, Ch ina)
Abstract:A seven-component linear viscoelastic plastic creep model of mica-quartzose schist w as built accordin to
the characteristic of triaxial creep test curve.Creep compliance-time curve and strain-time curve were fitted by
means of least squares method, and then the parameters of creep model w ere obtained.The impact factors of
obtainin parameters of creep model and the rationality and availability of those parameters w ere discussed.The
result showed that the parameters obtained by the fittin of two curves w ere diverse from each other because of
ratin load times, primary load stress value and load time;creep model of mica-quartzose schist was si nificantly
nonlinear;the parameters obtained by the fittin of creep compliance-time curve were not introduced, and the
pat tern of the parameters obtained by the fittin
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