Lesson6 Percy Buttons 新概念二册.ppt

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Lesson6 Percy Buttons 新概念二册

【Key structures】  A, The and Some “A” 当表示不确定的某个人或物时,用不定冠词a/an(单数, 可数名词);当表示不可数的名词时,则需要由不定冠词加量词组成词组。 在表示一种笼统概念(某某一类/一种东西)的陈述句中可以省略a和some A tiger is a dangerous animal. Tigers are dangerous. Salt is necessary for/to us all. “the”表示某个确定的人或事物或者上文已提到过的人或事物,则要用定冠词the(有时相当于this/that/these/those),可数名词单/复数或不可数名词均可。 Yesterday I saw a beautiful skirt in a shop. But the skirt was too expensive. 在姓名、地名、国名(非复合词)以及月份、星期等前面不加任何冠词。 Tom is in Germany now. He studies physics in Berlin. April is a pleasant month. He has classes on Monday. “SOME” 用于表示不确定的某些人或东西。可数或不可数都可以。 He put some books on the desk. Some students are absent today. I like to put some sugar in the soup. a和the的区别:a是泛指, a man;特指, the man 在文章当中第一次出现名词的时候往往用a和an修饰, 第二次出现的时候用the A man is walking towards me. The man is carrying a parcel. The parcel is full of meat. I have just drunk a glass of milk. I ate an apple. Apples are delicious. She always buys flour, sugar and tea at the grocers. 一般姓名前一般不能加冠词,表示“某某一类人当中, 具有这种特征当中的一个”,加不定冠词a a Mr. Zhang 张先生这类人 Smith 史密斯 Paul Smith保罗·史密斯 the Smiths 史密斯一家,史密斯夫妇 定冠词the 在单数普通名词前表示一类人或事物: The horse is a useful animal. =A horse is a useful animal. = Horses are useful animals. 2. 重新提及的人或事物的名词前 He bought a book yesterday. The book is on the desk. 3. 双方都知道的特定的人或事物前: Pass me the book, please. Would you mind my opening the window? 4.世界上第一无二的事物的名词前: the world the sun the moon the earth 5. 在形容词和副词的最高级前: Winter is the coldest season of the year. Who sings the best in your class? 6. 在某些形容词(或分词)前表示具有这个词特点的一类人或事物: the young 年轻人 the blind 盲人 the wounded 伤员 7. 在姓氏复数姓氏前表示一家人 The Greens are at the table. 格林一家正在吃饭。 The Chens will move to UK. 姓陈的一家要搬到英国去。 8. 在逢十的复数数词前表示某个年代 When he went to America in the seventies, he was already in his forties. 当70年代他去美国时,他已经40多岁了。 In the 1870’s, 在19世纪70年代 9. 在乐器的名称前: The girl is playing the piano. He often plays the violin in the evening. 10. 在表示单位的名词前: I have hired the car by the hour. 我已按小时租车。 Eggs are sold by the d


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