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2011.11.09 项目背景 Project Background 项目背景 Project Background 项目位于福州市闽侯县南屿镇,属于福州乌龙江板块,所在区域为福州市大学城与福州高 新科学城区域。距离市中心(五一广场)约15公里,行车距离约35分钟。项目用地西面 部分临现状乌龙江大道,其余均为规划路,其中东面与南面均临市政规划路,北面只有部 分临道路,东南两侧规划路外围均为规划河道。 The site located at Nanyu Town of Wulong River area, all district are categorized as University town and Science Center area. The city centre is only 15km away from the site which approximately takes 35mins to the city. 总用地面积约309,379.16平方米,为商住混合用地。示范区的售楼部、高层样板房以及不 同种类的别墅样板房位于项目用地西侧吗,其中有一部分外租地,示范区面积39,175平 方米。景观设计面积共213,853平方米。 The overall site is located at Fuzhou City consists of 309,379.16sqm of mixed development of commercials and residential. The sale office, high rise and varies type of villa show units are located at the west of the overall development approximately 39,175sqm on the temporary leased land. 项目地形 Site Condition 项目售楼区与样板区用地现状的地形标高为3米,这是营造地形的有利条件。 The sale office site level difference approximately at 3m, potentially to create interesting landform within the site. 建筑风格 Architecture Style 高层建筑产品:采用Art deco现代建筑风格,建筑立面简洁、 现代,结合东南亚建筑元素,形成风情化建筑单体。 The high-rise architecture adapting Art Deco style, simplicity, contemporary and integrating Asian language. 别墅产品:东南亚休闲情境的建筑风格国Villa Style: South-east Asia tropical resort language 示范区景觀设计 Show Area Landscape Design 示范区景觀设计 景观概念简介 Show Area Landscape Design Landscape Concept Write-up 现代的人们向往宁静、悠闲的环境和高雅的现代人居生活。远离市区的喧嚣, 在此静


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