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Unit 4 Spelling 动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性 废墟 极度的 损害,伤害 破坏,毁坏 营救,援救 掩蔽,避身所 祝贺 真诚的 表达 灾难 ruin extreme injure destroy rescue shelter congratulation sincere express disaster 词形变化---可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配) burst suffer 名词 injure shock frighten trap dig bury destroy use shake extreme burst-burst suffering injured shocking/shocked frightening/frightened trapped-trapped dug-dug buried-buried destroyed-destroyed useless shook-shaken extremely 1. ____________ 立刻; 马上 2. __________________ 许多; 大量的 3. ____________ 结束; 终结 4. ____________ 严重受损; 成为废墟 二、短语翻译 in ruins right away a (great) number of at an end 9. _____________ 被困住, 被套住 10. ____________ 横切 11. ____________ 三分之二 be trapped by/in cut across two thirds 单选知识点 too…to 句式 部分否定 burst 用法 can never be too careful to do… not + all/ both/ every burst into tears =burst out crying burst into laughter =burst out laughing the poor the rich the young the old the dead 祝贺你! 在某一天的介词 express the + adj. 代表一类人 are Congratulations! congratulations to sb on sth. congratulate sb on sth on that day express your thanks to oneself well 原句 It seemed as if the world was at an end!世界似乎到了末日!(B1P26) 1. It seemed as if… 看上去好像…… ; 似乎…… 例句 It seemed as if the sky would fall down. 似乎天要塌下来了。 原句 Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.人们无论朝哪里看, 那里的一切都几乎被毁了。(B1P26) 2. Everywhere... 无论哪里……(引导状语从句) 例句 All students can not go to key university after they graduate from middle school.不是所有的学生中学毕业后都能上重点大学。 3. all... not=not all...并非都…… 原句 All hope was not lost. 不是所有的希望都破灭了。(B1P26) 原句 The chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.鸡甚至猪也太紧张了以至于不吃东西了。 4. too+ adj/ adv. +(for sb.) to do sth. 太……以至于不…… 例句 The man is too honest to play a trick like that. 这个人很诚实, 不会搞那样的恶作剧的。 复习课 Unit 1 spelling 动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性 心烦意乱的 不理睬,忽视 关心,挂念 完全地 安家,定居,解决 遭受 痊愈 确实如此,正是 一系列 青少年 在户外,在野外adv. upset ignore be concerned about entirely settle suffer recover exactly a series of tee


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