新牛津英语7b unit3 welcome开课.ppt

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新牛津英语7b unit3 welcome开课

要求: 1,一组派出一人说出自己的喜好,任选其他一组成员回答对应地点。 2,一组一次提问机会。 3,答错扣5分,答对不加分。 Let‘s enjoy the video. Can you find some language points(语言点)) in this lesson? 1,限时五分钟,前两分钟自己找,后三分钟汇总。 2,一组一次限说一个知识点(一点5分)。 3,一轮轮完之后,各组抢答(一点5分) 1. an old friend of mine 我的一个老朋友 mine 我的(东西) Millie is an old friend of ____ (I). 2. wait a minute 等一会儿 _____________ (稍等片刻)。 I’m coming. 4. exchange students 交换学生 The exchange students are from the UK. 这些交换留学生来自英国。 要求:1,一组一题,轮流答题,答对加五分,答错扣十分。 2,其他组不得提示,否则视为犯规。扣十分。 9. In the restaurant, you can o_______ any food you like. 10. Who teaches _______ (他们)English this term? * Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine town -----by Lavender Gao Playing dragon(接龙) What do you like/enjoy doing? What does your father/mother enjoy doing at the weekend? 要求:1,每人任选一个问题回答 2,全体同学按座位都要回答,一人回答完毕,自己坐下,下一位自己跟上。 3,答对一人加2分,答错一人扣5分,各组长统计分数 exchange students 交换生 Beijing Sunshine Town I like ____________ I enjoy ___________ I love playing __________ I love watching ________ shopping Chinese food football films Read part A on P31 and complete what each person is saying like/enjoy/love doing… Listen and answer(此处两题为 抢答题,第一题10分,第二题5分. 1.Where do they plan to go with the exchange students? They plan to take the exchange students to the cinema, shopping mall and take the boys to the school’s football field. 2.Will they go to western restaurant? No. A: What do you love/enjoy/like doing? B: I love/enjoy…. A: Where can you …? B: …. B: I can (Let me) take you to … /Let’s go to…/ Shall we… A: Thank you very much. 要求: 1,每人都参与到对话当中去。 2,可增加角色,对话内容 If the students from Britain want to travel around Xuzhou, can you plan some activities for them? Where can you take them to? 悠悠古彭 In the morning,… In the afternoon… In the evening… If the students from Britain want to travel around Xuzhou, can you plan some activities for them? Where can you take


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