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期货市场在农产品价格风险管理中的作用 学生姓名: 学 号: 学 院: 国际经济与贸易学院 专 业: 内 容 摘 要 二十世纪是人类社会经济、科技发展最为迅速的一个世纪。科学技术有着突飞猛进的发展,同时也带动了世界经济的飞速发展。由于人口膨胀、物质需求激增,人们使用大量的科学技术来提高工、农业产品的产量,以满足人们日益增长的物质需求。而农业作为国民经济的基础性产业,其产品是人类最基本的生活必需品,又是工业的主要原材料、商业的主要商品之一,在整个经济发展中起着独一无二的作用。而农产品价格事关农业自身的发展以及整体物价水平的稳定,其作为基础性价格,它的变动必将引起整个物价水平的波动。 本论文立足于目前我国的三农问题,对农产品价格问题作了具体的分析和研究。主要应用期货市场的相关知识,运用其发现价格、规避风险的功能来稳定目前剧烈波动的农产品价格给广大农民带来的收入风险。对目前的农产品价格状况及期货市场的相关功能等作了具体的分析评价,并提出了可行性建议及对策,为稳定农民收入提供了一种相对切实可行的办法。 关键词:农产品价格 期货市场 价格波动 蛛网理论 ABSTRACT The 20th century is most rapidly development of science and technology and human society economy . Especially in the 40 s, relatively peaceful period after world war ii, and has a rapid development of science and technology, but also led to the rapid development of world economy. Due to the population expansion, material demand, people use a lot of science and technology to improve the production of industrial and agricultural products, to meet peoples growing material needs. While agriculture as basic industry of national economy, its product is the most basic necessities of life, human is the main raw materials of industry, business, one of the main items, so plays an unique role in the development of the economy as a whole. And the price of agricultural products is the development of agriculture itself and the stability of the overall price level, as a basic price, it will cause the change of the fluctuations in the price level. Based on the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China, this paper made a concrete analysis of the problems of agricultural product prices and research. Mainly used the knowledge of the futures market, using its found, the function of risk aversion to stabilize the price volatility of agricultural prices risk brings to the farmers income. Considering the current state of agricultural prices and related functions of futures market has made the detailed analysis and evaluation, and puts forward some feasible Suggestio


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