非日常与日常 论体育的两重性.pdf

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第17卷第12期 体 育 学 刊 Vol.17 No.12 2010 年 12 月 Journal of Physical Education D e c . 2 0 1 0 非日常与日常:论体育的两重性 赵国炳,杨忠伟2 (华南师范大学体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006 ) 摘 要:从游戏论出发,对诸多体育理论进行比较研究,得出以下结论:(1)体育具有非日常 性和日常性两种属性,两种属性的体育代表两种不同的价值取向,“非日常性”意指非直接生产性 与娱乐性,“日常性”则指体育源自日常生活的竞争性及其所引致的体育的“工具化”。(2)体育是 竞争性的非日常性身体活动;(3)两种价值取向的互相博弈与牵制,贯穿了整部体育史,“两重性” 张力下的生存构成体育的基本生存境遇。 关 键 词:体育社会学;非日常性体育;日常性体育;游戏 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2010)12-0006-05 Non daily and daily: On sport duality ZHAO Guo-bing ,YANG Zhong-wei (School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China ) Abstract: Based on the game theory, the author compared and studied various sports theories, and drew the follow- ing conclusions: 1)sport is provided with such two attributes as non daily and daily; sport with such two attributes represents two different value orientations; the “non daily” attribute refers to the nature of indirect production and entertainment, while the “daily” attribute refers to sports competition originating from daily life and sports utilitari- anism it resulted in; 2)sport is a non daily physical activity of competition; 3)the mutual gaming and containing of the two value orientations have gone though the entire history of sport; subsistence under the tension of “duality” constitutes the basic status of subsistence of sport. Key words: sport sociology ;non daily sport ;daily sport ;game 检视诸多体育研究,发现存在两个面向:一是论 竞技运动(也即本文所指的体育)是这样定义的:“凡是 者常以“日常生活的悬挂”、“非日常性的活动”、“与 含有游戏的属性并与他人进行竞争以及向自然障碍进 严肃相区别的无意义”、“自由满足”等语词来叙述体 行挑战的运动,都是竞技运动。”[1]5-6


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